The Open School of Neo-tropical Animal Science and Production

AGLS 6502 Lecture Notes


Module 1 - Introduction


Unit 1 - Introduction


Unit 2 - The Animal Kingdom


Unit 3 - An Introduction to Ecology


Module 2 - Zoos


Unit 4 - What are Zoos?


Unit 5 - Zoo Management


Unit 6 - Caribbean Zoos




Module 3 - Wildlife Management


Unit 7 - Practicing Wildlife Management


Unit 8 - Managing Exploited Species


Unit 9 - Wildlife Pests


Unit 10 - Scarce Wildlife


Unit 11 - Natural Reserves and Parks


Unit 12 - Organization and Funding - Eco-tourism


Unit 13 - The Future

    • 13.1 Biodiversity Crisis
    • 13.2 Coping Mechanisms


Module 4 - Wildlife Production

Unit 14 - Species Modelling

Unit 15 - Modelling the Agouti

Unit 16 - Modelling the Capybara

Unit 17 - Modelling the Green Iguana

Unit 18 - Modelling the Opossum

Unit 19 - Modelling Aquatic Species

Unit 20 - Modelling the Quenk

Unit 21 - Modelling the Boa Constrictor


Module 5 - Wildlife and Conservation

Unit 22 - Future Role of Zoos

Unit 23 - International Organisations

Unit 24 - Conservation Philosophies

Unit 25 - Protecting Global Biodiversity

Unit 26 - Wildlife and Human Health

Unit 27 - Wildlife and Livestock Health

Unit 28 - Laws Governing Wildlife

Unit 29 - Utilization in the Neo-tropics


AGLS 6502 Acknowledgements and References

AGLS 6502 Acknowledgements

AGLS 6502 References

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Prof. Gary W. Garcia, Department of Food Production, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. Updated: 18-Jan-2015