The Open School of Tropical Animal

Science and Production


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Course Download Information
Course Code: AGLS 6502

Course Name:
Tropical Zoo and Wildlife Production and Management (Tropical Wildlife Management in Captivity and the Wild)

The history and role of zoos, endangered species and local laws for the protection of wildlife and endangered species in the world with particular reference to the Neo-tropics. The management of non-domestic animals in captivity. Strategies and Methods used in Wildlife Management with special reference to the Caribbean and Latin America [Neo-tropical species].

Course outline

Unit 7: Wildlife  Management and Conservation Strategies






The improvement of output from Tropical Livestock through breeding, health, feeding and housing programs integrated in animal production systems and aspects of processing livestock products.


Part of the M.Sc. in Tropical Animal Science and Production Program. 2005-2006 Academic Year, Semester I.

Department of Food Production, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.


By Dr. Gary Wayne Garcia, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer in Animal Production and Co-ordinator of the Open Tropical Forage - Animal Production Laboratory


Phone: 1-868-645-3232 Ext. 2090/ 3328

Fax: 1-868-663-9686




Course information on AL60 A
Year: 2012



AL 60 C/ AGLS 4002: TROPICAL LIVESTOCK DEVELOPMENT [Livestock Development for Small Tropical States]




The Overall Learning Objectives of this course are as follows:

1. to provide an understanding of Livestock Development;

2. to provide an awareness of the political, social, economic and environmental issues that affect Livestock Development;

3. to describe the major Livestock Production Systems;

4. to provide an understanding of the effect which the Government and the Private Sector can have on Livestock Development;

5. to understand the dynamics surrounding the International Trade in Livestock Products; and

6. to be familiar with possible Alternative Approaches to Livestock Development for Small States in the future.


Part of the M.Sc. in Tropical Animal Science and Production Program. 2005-2006, Semester I & II.

Department of Food Production, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.



Dr. Gary Wayne Garcia

[B.Sc. Hons. Agric UWI, Ph.D. Livestock Science, UWI

Senior Lecturer in Animal Production and Co-ordinator of the Open Tropical Forage - Animal Production Laboratory




Miss Gail Young,

BSc (Hons Agric UWI); M.A. (Agricultural and Rural Development, ISS, The Hague)

Course Readings & Text Prepared with the contributions of

Michelle John

B.Sc. [Hons Agric UWI] and M.Sc. in [Animal Production, Germany]


Shelley Bridgewater

B.Sc. [Hons Agric, UWI] and M.Sc. [Tropical Animal Science and Production, UWI]



Course information on AL 60 C:
Year 2012






Course Objectives::

* To review the Tropical systems of ruminant production.

* To highlight integrated ruminant production systems.

* To highlight breeding principles and methods which are of importance to tropical ruminant production.

* To highlight ruminant breeding successes in the tropics.

* To discuss issues relating to ruminant production and reproduction diseases of the tropics.

* To highlight advances in ruminant record-keeping.

* To outline standards for ruminant livestock products.

* To outline the concepts for designing ruminant production

systems - from production to marketing.


Part of the M.Sc. in Tropical Animal Science and Production Program. 2005-2006 Academic Year, Semester II.

Department of Food Production, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.


By Dr. Gary Wayne Garcia, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer in Animal Production and Co-ordinator of the Open Tropical Forage - Animal Production Laboratory


Phone: 1-868-645-3232 Ext. 2090/ 3328

Fax: 1-868-663-9686




Course information on AL 60 D:
Year 2012






This course encompasses modules from these various areas:

  • Module 1: An Introduction to the Animal Kingdom and Livestock

  • Module 2: Wildlife and Zoos

  • Module 3: An Introduction to Ecology

  • Module 4: Species Production Modelling

  • Module 5: Wildlife and Conservation

Part of the M.Sc. in Tropical Animal Science and Production Program. 2006-2007 Academic Year, Semester II.

Department of Food Production, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.


By Dr. Gary Wayne Garcia, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer in Animal Production and Co-ordinator of the Open Tropical Forage - Animal Production Laboratory


Phone: 1-868-645-3232 Ext. 2090/ 3328

Fax: 1-868-663-9686




Course Notes for AL 65B


AL 65B

Module 1 Part 1


AL 65B

Module 1 Part 2


AL 65B

Module 2


AL 65B

Module 3


AL 65B

Module 4 Part 1


AL 65B

Module 4 Part 2


AL 65B

Module 4 Part 3


AL 65B

Module 5


Aryan's Look at Zoo and Science



To obtain further information on these courses as well as to interact with lecturers and peers feel free to visit the post graduate forum and chat room.

Post graduate Forum


Post graduate Chat Room



Dr. Gary W. Garcia, Ph.D.,

Department of Food Production, Faculty of Science and Agriculture,

The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.