The Open School of Tropical Animal

Science and Production


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XICIMFAUNA- Circular 1 “Alternative Sustainable Conservation & Utilization Methods for Neo-Tropical Animals”

10 September 2012




XICIMFAUNA 2014 (International Congress on the Management of Amazonian and Latin American Wildlife) August 17 to 22, Trinidad and Tobago


UWI/UTT [Republic of Trinidad and Tobago] delegates in Salta, Argentina 2012, after securing the bid to host the

Colleagues, Amazonian and Neo-tropical Animal Wildlife Aficionados: The University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago (UWI) and the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) are pleased to announce that we have won the bid to host the XICIMFAUNA in 2014. We are also very grateful for the support that we received from all of those who were present at the closing of the XCIMFAUNA in Salta, Argentina in May 2012.



This is a Spanish acronym for “The International Congress on the Management of Amazonianand Latin American Wildlife”.

This has been a community of persons who have over the years organized meetings to help advance and improve the management of wildlife [non-domesticated animals] in the Neo-tropics [the Tropics of the New World (Central America, South America and the Caribbean)]. This is the only conference of its kind in the world that focuses only on Neo-tropical Animals and related Subjects and Issues!


Map 1. Cities on the South American mainland where 10 of the CIMFAUNA biennial congresses and meetings were held.

So far ten (10) of these biennial Meetings or Congresses were held in the following cities on the South American mainland (Map 1).   In 2014 the Congress will be held for the first time outside of the South American continent. We would therefore be aiming at getting the widest participation possible not only from South America but from Central America, the Caribbean and North American Institutions and Zoos interested in Amazonian Animal Wildlife.


View: and

Manejo de Fauna Silvestre en Latinoamerica:



The Congress will have three (3) official languages (English, Portuguese and Spanish) and we shall like to welcome you all.


Travel arrangements:  

The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is at the Hub of South America, the Caribbean, Central America, North America and Europe. There are direct flights to Trinidad and Tobago from Caracas (Venezuela), Paramaribo (Suriname), Georgetown (Guyana), Panama City (Panama), Miami, New York, Washington D.C. (USA), Toronto (Canada), London (United Kingdom) and most Caribbean islands. Accommodation for the conference would be at Sir Arthur Lewis Hall of Residence of the UWI. This is a brand new facility with 21st Century Living and Communication facilities at very affordable rates for professionals and graduate students. Please note that the XICIMFAUNA is scheduled to be held during the week of August 17 to 22, 2014 in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.



Circular #2 would soon follow with more details. We look forward to your participation and don't forget to mark the date!


Professor Gary Wayne Garcia President/Chairman of the Conference Organizing Committee

Professor of Livestock Science

Department of Food Production

Faculty of Food and Agriculture

The University of the West Indies

St Augustine

Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

West Indies






Dr. Gary W. Garcia, Ph.D.,

Department of Food Production, Faculty of Science and Agriculture,

The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.