The Open School of Tropical Animal

Science and Production


   3/9/2025 9:39:29 AM




Animal Wildlife Conservation, Management, Production & Utilisation in Trinidad & Tobago:

Assessing the Present and Charting the Future


This presentation concerns the topic "Animal Wildlife Conservation, Management, Production & Utilisation in Trinidad and Tobago: Assessing the Present and Charting the Future". It would be delivered by Dr. Gary W. Garcia on Thursday 2006 April 06 from 09:00 to 13:30 hours in the Seminar Room, Fourth Floor, NALIS Buildling, Corner Hart & Abercromby Street, Port of Spain. The following is a draft of the Programme outline:



09:00 hours

Opening by Chairman of Proceedings

Professor Lawrence A. Wilson

Emeritus Professor of Crop Science

The University of the West Indies

09:05 hours


Professor Holman E. Williams

Emeritus Professor of Livestock Science

The University of the West Indies

09:15 hours

Presentation: "The State of Knowledge on Wildlife Conservation, Management, Production and Utilisation in Trinidad & Tobago"

Dr. Gary Wayne Garcia

Senior Lecturer/Animal Production

The University of the West Indies

10:00 hours

Coffee Break


10:15 hours

Strategy Outline & Package Distribution

Dr. G.W. Garcia

11:00 hours

Discussion on Package and Strategy


12:00 noon



13:00 hours

Rapporteur's Report

Ms. Gail Young/ Rapporteur

Research Assistant

Dept of Food Production, FSA, UWI

13:30 hours

Pledges, Closing Remarks & Vote of Thanks

Chair/Professor L.A. Wilson




Dr. Gary W. Garcia, Ph.D.,

Department of Food Production, Faculty of Science and Agriculture,

The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.