The Open School of Tropical Animal Science and Production 


3/6/2025 7:58:13 PM






The work being done on Neo-tropical Wildlife out of the Open Tropical Forage-Animal Production Laboratory [OTF-APL], UWI and the UWI Fauna Group is at present being done through the collaboration of the following persons:


Department of Food Production

Dr. Gary Wayne Garcia [Senior Lecturer in Animal Production]

Mr. Cicero H. O. Lallo [Lecturer in Animal Production]

Dr. Issac Bekele [Senior Lecturer in Biometry]

Mr. William Mollineau [Teaching Assistant and Ph.D. Student in Wildlife Domestication]

Mr. Anil Roopchand [Research Technician on leave to work on Peccary Domestication with INRA and the Chamber of Agriculture in French Guyana]

Miss Michelle Spencer [M.Sc. research project on the cuisine and marketing of Quenk]

Mr. Rajesh Rooplal [Final Year Project on Wildlife Farmers]


School of Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Andrew Adogwa [Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Anatomy]

Dr. Gregory Bourne [Senior Lecturer in Reproductive Physiology]


Eastern Caribbean Institute of Agriculture and Forestry

Mr. Abraham Blackman [Ph.D. candidate in Wildlife Production].


In addition the following is a listing of the ongoing work and collaboration:

  • Collection of Literature on the thirty (30) important Neo-tropical species of animals as identified by Ojasti

  • Conceptualizing Intensive Animal Production Models for the selected Neo-tropical species

  • Testing the Intensive Animal Production Models

  • Establishing and Maintaining contact with Wildlife Farmers

  • Maintaining contact with other workers in Neo-tropical Wildlife

  • Active Interaction with Hunters in Trinidad

  • Active interaction with persons who sell and market Neo-tropical Wildlife Meat and Cuisine

  • The Developing of a Qualitative and Quantitative Model of the Wildlife Industry in Trinidad and Tobago

  • Undergraduate and Post Graduate Training in Neo-tropical Wildlife, Conservation, Production, Management and cuisine

  • Maintaining close collaboration with the Wildlife Section of the Forestry Division

  • Maintaining collaboration with Wildlife Hobby Groups.



Dr. Gary W. Garcia, Ph.D.

Department of Food Production, Faculty of Science and Agriculture

The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine