This new approach should have the
following elements:
(i) an
increased dialogue between in situ and ex situ wildlife
conservation efforts (the bringing together
of the different human elements);
Picture of ex situ conservation of capybara
in the Emperor Valley Zoo
(ii) the
intensive Production of Species with the potential for domestication;
(iii) the
utilization of biotechnology for the conservation of useful genes from within
the existing wildlife gene-pool;

Diagram of the Apparatus for Gel
Electrophoresis and Results
(iv) the
expanded Research into the anatomy (digestive
and reproductive),
health and husbandry of wildlife species;

The above pictures portray researchers and some
of their specimens
(v) the
development of an International Network on Wildlife {Non-domestic animal
research and development, which would include Zoos, Conservation Parks,
Universities, Research Institutions and Private collections; and
Pictures of research institutions
(vi) the use of
the CGIAR International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) Network Model
could be used as the basis for setting up the TASIN as suggested.